
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Happy Everything!

Today is quite a special day

It is the day of my mother's birth
A day of immense worth
As without her, I wouldn't be here

Today is a wonderful day

It is the anniversary of two wedding days
Sixty-two years ago, my grandparents were wed
And five years ago, my sister-in-law was wed
All to us are very dear

Today is truly an important day

My step-dad and mom with my baby girl

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I can hardly believe it's been over a month since I posted anything!  But then again, I can.  The proof is right here.  Though I was trying to keep up this goal, I was swept away once more by my Master's practicum - the final step for completing my degree.  I am proud to say that my defense - my presentation about the project - is scheduled for August.  So I am almost finished!

So what was I up to?  Well, I had to finish my report that wound up being around 117 pages.  And now I am coloring in all the drawings that are part of the deliverables for the project.  More on that on another post.  There are a total of 43 drawings that were part of the deliverables but over 70 were drawn so I have plenty of work ahead of me even after the practicum-related stuff is finished as I want to finish them all eventually and perhaps make other art from them such as a scarf.

In the meantime, here is a little free form poem...

overwhelming feelings
taking over my existence
feelings of excitement, woe, and joy
not knowing what the future will bring

trying hard to keep it together, to keep it in
hoping that good news will soon come
feeling it in the pit of my stomach
knowing something good will eventually arrive
but, for now, I must wait

Thursday, June 5, 2014

simple beauty

I really don't know what to write today.  It's been a challenging day to say the least.  But I want to keep up my goal...

Birds twirling,
singing songs of simple beauty.
Basking in the twilight
of a peaceful June night.

Jasper notices,
stops and flexes his tail,
stepping into the ledge
of one of his favorite windows.

Down he crouches,
his body one furry form,
tail wrapped around him,
listening to the birds.

Maybe tomorrow I'll share some more pictures.  Until then, good night!  : )

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


first time
no power

in the stillness
left alone
with thoughts

the sound
of the fridge
coming to life
brought me back
on came the TV
and the quiet to rest

off went the TV
back to work
on came the music,
the tunes
bringing me
to a peaceful place

second time
no power

in the stillness
left alone
with thoughts

It seems like more could be said but I like the way this ends.  It was quite wonderful enjoying the quiet.  For awhile, it was raining really hard and not possible to open windows and further enjoy the stillness and the sounds of nature.  But eventually it stopped.  The windows were opened and the sun smiled upon us.  I sat and typed and worked through the impossible and am getting closer and closer to that mystical light at the end of the tunnel.

But anyways, I also wanted to share an adorable picture of Jasper who was watching me work.  He's quite the helper.  Nubz was nearby, enjoying a cat nap on the other chair in my "studio."

My feline buddy, Jasper.  He enjoys sitting on my printer.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


trying hard to focus
wanting desperately to be finished
yet realizing there are several missing pieces

hopefully soon it will be complete
and ready for the next step

so ready to be finished
anticipating the celebration

so ready to move forward
but not wanting to miss a piece

this is my statement, my purpose
so I don't want to rush it

but after over a year
I need to move on


Since yesterday was my birthday, I stayed offline to pursue other endeavors.  But I wrote this poem so that I would not miss my daily poetry goal.

for a loving man
with a smile
that can fill
every particle
of my soul

for a loving family
that appreciates
my gifts,
my struggles

for two silly cats
who fill my heart
with laughter

to be working
toward my dreams

to be alive

Friday, May 30, 2014


What a pleasant surprise
two little plants
that may not look like much
but they are a sight for sore eyes

After quite a search
my husband magically arrived
with some delightful milkweed

We erected a chicken wire barrier
to keep neighborhood cats out
until they are big enough to defend themselves

I can hardly wait
to see their bright pink blooms
and hopefully some monarchs!

One of the lovely milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) plants!

The other plant with its chicken wire cage.  Hopefully it will protect them from the crazy neighborhood cats.

Jasper watching me take pictures.  He's such a good watch cat!  : )